Catalogul fotografilor
Ioana & George Benghia


Fotograf: Ioana & George Benghia
Înscris în catalog de 5 ani și 7 luni
Se deplasează din Brasov
 0752 321 *** vezi telefonul

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Despre Wandery

Ioana & George, best friends, husband & wife, lovers of everything emotional and authenthic, documenterers of life in photos: that’s who we are.

We’re drawn to natural light and the beauties of nature, relentless wanderers and seekers of love stories. We pour our hearts into every photo, and we believe that witnessing the beauty and uniqueness of two sould being united is the greatest reward we could get. We want our
photos to transport you back into your happiest moments. Based in the wonderful Transylvania, we're ready to follow you anywhere for your most special moments.

We would consider it an honor to document your season of love, growth and new beginnings.



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