Catalogul cameramanilor

Ignatenco Maxim
Înscris în catalog de
10 ani și 3 luni
Se deplasează din
Chisinau, Republica Moldova
1 Videograf
6 hours Filmate
1 O zi
3-5 mins Cinematic clip
1x USB stick
Price : 1000e
1 Videograf
6 hours Filmate
1 O zi
3-5 mins Cinematic clip
1x USB stick
Price : 1000e
2 Videografi
6-8hours Filmate
1 O zi
3-5 min Cinematic clip
20-30 min Wedding Fillm
1x USB stick
Price : 1400e
2 Videografi
6-8hours Filmate
1 O zi
3-5 min Cinematic clip
20-30 min Wedding Fillm
1x USB stick
Price : 1400e
2 Videografi
1 dayO zi
extra days zi aparte pentru filmari
3-5 min Cinematic clip
20-30 min Wedding Film
1x USB stick
Price : 1800e
2 Videografi
1 dayO zi
extra days zi aparte pentru filmari
3-5 min Cinematic clip
20-30 min Wedding Film
1x USB stick
Price : 1800e
Testimoniale de la clienți
Toate testimonialele sunt verificate și aprobate manual de editorii catalogului, pentru a ne asigura că sunt date în urma unor colaborări care au existat.
Born & raised in a small town in the east of Europe. Living in Chisinau – Moldova. Passionate, Technical, up for anything. Adventurous. Google is his best friend. Can be happy about the smallest things in life. Always positive.Loves: meeting new people,hot dogs, being inspired, nature, hiking, adventures, Germany, making our video’s go viral, doing new things,change,being creative.
Born & raised in a small town in the east of Europe. Living in Chisinau – Moldova. Passionate, Technical, up for anything. Adventurous. Google is his best friend. Can be happy about the smallest things in life. Always positive.Loves: meeting new people,hot dogs, being inspired, nature, hiking, adventures, Germany, making our video’s go viral, doing new things,change,being creative.
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